How to Start Strength Training

Below you will find some basic recommendations and video links to help you start strength training. The summer is a great time to add this into your training routine. Lets quickly review why strength training is important for runners…

5 Benefits of Strength Training for Runners
1. Run faster using less energy
2. Hold VO2 max pace longer
3. Increases muscular power
4. Increases your 5K/10K speed
5. Enables you to smoke your friends at track workouts

  • Bottom line: strength training is "low hanging fruit" for runners to improve their performance across several race distances and decrease risk of injury.

Guidelines for beginning strength training:

  • Train two sessions per week, with 48-72 hours in between each session, and target the major muscle groups of the lower extremity.

    • Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, Calves

  • Start with 3 sets each 8-12 reps per set

    • Master the movements before adding any external resistance or progressing to harder variations

  • These are basic movements but can be taxing to someone not strength training. Pull back on your running to accommodate for the extra work these place on your body until you have acclimated.

  • I hope this is helpful and feel free to reach out with any questions!



-Calf Raises and Runner’s Step Up heavily influenced by Chris Johnson of Zeren PT, and Nathan Carlson of RunningMate

-Guidelines for strengthening influenced from Rich Willy’s article
-Støren, Ø, Helgerud, J., Støa, E. M., & Hoff, J. (2008). Maximal Strength Training Improves Running Economy in Distance      Runners. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 40(6), 1087-1092. doi:10.1249/mss.0b013e318168da2f
-Blagrove, R. C., Howatson, G., & Hayes, P. R. (2017). Effects of Strength Training on the Physiological Determinants of Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A Systematic Review. Sports Medicine, 48(5), 1117-1149. doi:10.1007/s40279-017-0835-7

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